Ansys spaceclaim python scripting
Ansys spaceclaim python scripting

ansys spaceclaim python scripting

Scripting the whole design of an intricate part will not be practical. Q: Though this would be reproducible, won't it be very difficult to code all the intricate parts?Ī: Absolutely, certain operations are more convenient to automate than others. Then, take a functions and adapt the code to fit your needs taking advantage of variables, loops, etc. Q: How can one make Python scripts the exact replica of complex models?Ī: The easiest approach at the beginning is to record the fundamental operations that are required to generate a basic version of the FE model. This is like answering: how long does it take to create an FE model? It depends… It could go from a few minutes, for a simple case, up to several hours for very complex cases. Q: How much time is spent in creating the scripts, for the the first time?Ī: This really depends on the complexity of the script (or model) and the experience of the user. And finally, Ansys Mechanical scripts are plain text Python files (“.py”). Whereas Workbench scripts are saved with a different extension (“.wbpj”), but they have Python syntax. In Spaceclaim (SC) scripts can only be read and edited within SC because they are saved in a compiled fashion (extension “.scscript”). Q: Your scripts, do you just save them under different extension rather than *.py without extra command lines in them or there are some extra steps required to make Ansys understand what you want?Ī: Some Ansys scripts are saved with a different extension automatically (Spaceclaim and Workbench), rather than “.py”. The contact region (fiber-matrix) needs to be defined previously. Q: Which type of contact have you used between the fibre and matrix?Ī: It is a contact debonding type for each fiber-matrix interface including a material with the interfacial properties (strength, fracture energy…). Q: Do you define the name of each domain in the geometry script?Ī: Yes, the names of sets, named selections, groups… are specified in the script.

ansys spaceclaim python scripting

For that reason, the most convenient is to combine it as well with the recording capability. Q: Is there a manual/docu available for python commands that can be used in Ansys? Or do you work predominantly with the journal recorder?Ī: You can use Ansys documentation, since it contains very useful code recipes and snippets, however it does not explain in detail all the Python objects and the data structure.

Ansys spaceclaim python scripting